Liturgy Ministry

Liturgy Committee:

Mission Statement:
The Liturgy Committee of the Church of St. Genevieve is dedicated to serving our parish by working to provide a prayerful liturgy.  The congregation is called to full, active, conscious participation through music, environment and well trained volunteers of the various liturgical ministries.

The Liturgy Committee is accountable to the pastor and parish governing councils.  The Liturgy Committee is under the direction of the pastor.  The Worship Director plans the liturgy meeting agendas and runs the meetings with the pastor.  The sub-committees of the Liturgy Committee are accountable to the pastor and the Liturgy Committee.  The Liturgy Committee does not fundraise but receives an annual budget from the parish to support liturgical activities.

The Liturgy Committee is comprised of the pastor, the Worship Director, Environment Committee Chair, and 3-4 volunteers.  The volunteers should be fully initiated Catholics who are active in our parish community and who feel they have insights that could benefit our liturgies.

The officers are comprised of the chairperson and the secretary.  The chairperson is the employed Worship Director.  The secretary is filled on a volunteer basis and has no term limit.

Meeting Schedule: 
The Liturgy Committee meets on a monthly basis on the third Tuesday of each month with the exception of the months of June and August when meetings are not scheduled.  Meetings may be changed periodically at the discretion of the pastor or Worship Director.  Meetings total 10 per year.  Other sub-committees and ministries schedule meetings/practices as deemed necessary by the leaders of said committees and the pastor.

The following ministries fall under the guidance of the Liturgy Committee:
Music Ministry - provides music for weekend liturgies, funerals, weddings and Holy Days
Environment Committee - design and create a dignified and beautiful environment in all worship spaces
Lectors - proclaim the word of God in a manner that is clearly spoken and understandable to the congregation
Ushers - provide hospitality to all who enter to worship and assist those in need
Eucharistic Ministers - distribute the body and blood of Christ to the congregation
Altar Servers - assist the pastor at weekend Liturgies and Holy Days
Sacristans - oversee each liturgy by preparing worship space and insuring all necessary ministry positions are filled
AV Technicians - operate the audio visual equipment during liturgies

  Chairperson Laura Baldwin at

Liturgy Committee Current Minutes


Environment Sub-Committee

Mission Statement:
The Environment Committee of the Church of St. Genevieve is dedicated to serving our parish by working to provide a prayerful environment for liturgy.  They do so by designing, procuring materials and creating a dignified and beautiful environment in all worship spaces (environments).  Thus supporting the congregation's call to full, active, conscious participation.


The Environment Committee is accountable to the Liturgy Committee, the pastor and parish governing councils.  The Environment Committee does not fundraise but receives an annual budget from the parish to support environment activities.


Open to all members of the parish who are interested in participating in the work of this ministry.

Officers are a Chair and Co-Chair.  The Chair takes notes for the group.

Meeting Schedule:
Meetings are scheduled by the Chair as needed.

If  you are interested in being part of any of the Liturgy ministries, please fill our the form below or contact the Parish Office at or 651-429-7937.




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