
It's time for a new directory and it won't be complete without you!

To schedule a photo session go to

and enter church code=mn505
and passcode=photos

Online signup may not be available on Saturday & Sunday so we can have paper sign-ups at Mass on the weekends.
You may also call the office to sign up.  If you need to change or cancel your reservation, contact Susie at or 651-429-7937.

Can you help check-in families the days of the photo sessions?  Click here to volunteer.

Can you help with weekend paper sign-ups so we can make that option available?  You will need to make sure people write down their scheduled time and take a pamphlet.  Click here to volunteer or call the Parish Office.

Photo Dates:

Monday, October 28 2-8:30pm PCC
Tuesday, October 29 2-8:30pm PCC
Wednesday, October 30 2-8:30pm PCC
Friday, November 1 2-8:30pm PCC
Saturday, November 2 9am-3pm PCC
Monday, November 25 2-8:30pm Fortin Hall (Hugo)
Tuesday, November 26 10am-4m Fortin Hall (Hugo)

Everyone who gets their picture taken receives a free 8 x 10 by Christmas and a free directory.

Allow one hour for the photo session (registration, photo shoot, picking out the directory photo and any other photos you may want to purchase)
(solid colors work best; avoid busy patterns and choose a color theme that unifies your family)

Families with more than 6 members should sign up for 2 consecutive timeslots.

Intergenerational photos will take 2 consecutive timeslots (i.e. grandparents/son's family/all together).

Well behaved pets are welcome.

Each directory will include a parish roster with name, address, up to 3 phone numbers and up to 2 emails.  Make sure the information we have for you is accurate!  Stop by the directory table before/after Mass or email/call the Parish Office. 

If you have other questions, check out our Frequently Asked Questions!

You are under NO obligation to purchase photos. If you are interested, here are options: