"Ordinary Women Doing God's Extraordinary Work"
Purpose Statement:
The Church of St. Genevieve's Council of Catholic Women are "Ordinary Women Doing God's Extraordinary Work." As a member of St. Genevieve's Church and our affiliated organizations, the Northeast Deanery, the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women and the National Council of Catholic Women, we support, empower and educated women in spirituality, leadership and service in support of the parish mission. Our programs respond with gospel values to the needs of the church and society in the modern world. The Council of Catholic Women is committed to keeping alive the tradition of honoring Mary, Our Lady of Good Counsel, as our patron.
St. Genevieve's Council of Catholic Women (CCW) is accountable to the pastor and parish governing councils and in accordance with the Northeast Deanery, the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, St. Genevieve's Council of Catholic Women works with the parish staff and other parish organizations to coordinate CCW activities and events. Officers of the CCW attend the annual Parish Financial Controls meeting. The CCW does fundraising to support their activities and dos not receive an annual budget amount from the parish.
All women of the parish. We welcome all women and invite their ideas, enthusiasm, skills and talents.
The officers are president, vice president, treasurer and secretary. All terms are 2-year terms and officers are elected throug a nomination and selection process. Maximum terms are two consecutive terms (4 years). Election of president and secretary are done in the odd year and the even year election is for the vice president and treasurer. If no opposing candidate for a position comes forward the incumbent may retain the position through the voting process. Nominations are made in April and elections are held in May. The duties of the elected officers begin when they are installed, typically in June.
Meeting Schedule:
The Council of Catholic Women official meetings are scheduled on the fiscal calendar year as needed from July 1st through June 30th. The official monthly meetings are not typically held July, August and December. The monthly meetings are held the second Monday of every month and held at the Parish Community Center. The date are time are published in the bulletin and parish calendar.
Executive Board
Deanery Meetings
Priests Luncheons
Funeral Luncheons
Centennial Community Food Shelf
Hugo Good Neighbor Food Shelf
American Red Cross Blood Drives
Country Store
Lenten Retreat
Event Fund
Appreciation Luncheon for funeral volunteers
Rolling Bandages
Baptism Books
Recurring Events:
Blood Drives
Centennial Community Food Shelf
Hugo Good Neighbor Food Shelf
Appreciation Luncheon for Funeral Volunteers
Country Store
Deanery Priests Luncheons
Lenten Retreat
Funeral Luncheons
Baptism Books
Event Fund
Contact: Chair Jill Fahnhorst
These are the quilts we have been working on since to 1st of the year. We made 18 64” X 80” adult size; 6 for kids; 6 for babies. And 16 Baby Burb Cloths. They will be sent to 6 churches in the Appalachia Project. We had a lot of fun and great times spent together. These are only a few who have helped through out the year. We have a few parishioners show up and help. We plan to make more for next year, but not sure if we will send them out east or give them to people in our area.