Sacrament of Holy Orders:
The sacrament of Holy Orders is a Sacrament of Service. In Sacraments of Service we make commitments to God and others for life, realizing that our lives are not just for us but are for others.
Ultimately, sacraments strengthen us to more effectively live a life of discipleship -- to be more fully in communion with God in Christ.
For information at the office of the Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis.
The Vocation Office recruits and assesses candidates for priesthood in this archdiocese and acts as a resource for people discerning their vocations to priesthood or consecrated life, as well as for families and parishes supporting the culture of religious vocations. Its website, provides information on discernment, vocation events, testimonies of seminarians and other people from this archdiocese in formation, and links to many vocation related sites.
Fr. David Blume, Director
Patty McQuillan, Office Coordinator
For information on Diaconate vocations, please contact Deacon Joseph Michalak at
Institute for Diaconate Formation: