Safe Environment

The Church of St. Genevieve wants to provide a safe environment for all to experience and learn about our faith.

Volunteers working with youth and vulnerable adults are required to get and retain Essential-3 Credentialling.  The Essential 3 includes completing online Virtus (safe environment) training, applying for a background check and signing a Code of Conduct.

Instructions for the completing the Essential-3 credentially for first-time volunteers can be found here.  Instructions for re-credentially can be found here.  All credentially occurs at

If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Safe Environment Coordinator for our parish, Susie Irlbeck at or 651-429-7937.

If you have been a victim of abuse, please visit the Healing page of the Archdiocese website or call the Victims Assistance Program at 651-291-4475.

Click here to reach the Archdiocese Safe Environment page for more information.