Sacrament of Reconciliation
Reconciliation is held every Saturday at 3:30 pm at the church in Centerville (along Sorel Street) or by appointment: 651-429-7937.
Celebrating God’s Forgiveness & Mercy
God forgives us endlessly and the church celebrates this reality through the sacrament of reconciliation. For, even though we are baptized and confirmed, and even though we are steeped in Eucharist, there remains that tendency within us to "miss the mark," to be selfish and unilateral, to fail to love, in a word, a tendency to commit sins. But God never fails to love and the church celebrates this in the sacrament of reconciliation.
We call it a sacrament of “conversion” because in celebrating it, we turn our hearts empowered by the Spirit of Love, back to Divine Love through Christ who reveals that Love. We also refer to it as the sacrament of "penance" a term which comes from a Latin word: repere, which suggests a posture of sorrow and a process of change. Sorrow for the ways we have sinned is the starting point. It is also called “confession” because it is here that we are invited to talk out loud about how we have sinned, and in that talking, recognize the mercy of God which is endless. And it is called the sacrament of “reconciliation,” because it draws us back to balance, it reconnects us to our journey of faith, and it celebrates God’s wonderful love.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated every Saturday at 3:30pm at St. Genevieve Church at 1683 Sorel in Centerville. If you are physically unable to access this church, please contact the Parish Office at or 651.429.7937. Arrangements can be made with Fr. Greg to hear your confession at an alternate time at a handicapped accessible location.
Reconciliation How To Guide
Adult Examination of Conscience
Child Examination of Conscience
First Reconciliation for Children