Parish Pastoral Council

Pastoral Council Mission:

The St. Genevieve Parish Pastoral Council is responsible for the pastoral vision & ministry of the parish.  The Parish Pastoral Council shall act as an advisory body to the Pastor, to assist him with specific tasks in establishing his goals for the parish, and to support the Pastor in his role as shepherd.  The Pastor, as the representative of the Archbishop, has ultimate decision making powers in all parish matters. 

The council (usually) meets 7-8:30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month with the exception of July.

Current council members are Justin Crowley, Judy Flett, Kim Scanlan, Brent Skalicky, and Sharon Tomlin.

Would you like to be part of this important group that helps to shape our community in its journey of faith?  
Click here for more information about the Council and steps you can talke to be involved.

Current Minutes