
Hospitality Ministry-Includes serving donuts!

The mission of the Hospitality Committee of the Church of St. Genevieve is to help foster and promote a friendly, welcoming, and caring community within our parish.  The Hospitality Committee is responsible for conducting outreach activities, sponsoring events that welcome new members and promoting community building throughout the parish.

The Hospitality Ministry of the Church of St. Genevieve is accountable to the pastor and parish governing councils.  The Hospitality Ministry does not fundraise but receives an annual budget from the parish to support activities.

The Hospitality Ministry welcomes all parishioners who want to share their ideas, enthusiasm, skills and talents.

The officers are chair and secretary.

Meeting Schedule:
The Hospitality Ministry meets the first Monday of each month at 6:30 pm in the months of September through April.  Meeting dates and times are published in the weekly bulletin.

Recurring Events:
Hospitality Sunday is the third Sunday of the month after the 8:30 am and 10:30 am Masses.
The Hospitality Ministry hosts the New Member Brunches throughout the year to welcome new parishioners and introduce them to the parish events, ministries and opportunities for spiritual growth.  These dates are determined by the Pastor and the Pastoral Council.

Sign up for a specific date to serve at this link.

If you would like to get involved with the Hospitality Ministry, please fill out the form below EVEN IF IT'S ONLY TO SERVE COFFEE & DONUTS!  (That, too, is important):


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