Faith Formation Resources Page (syllabus, letters, permission slips,sign-ups, etc)
Faith Formation 2024-25 Calendar (updated 9.24.24)
Upcoming Dates:
January 29 - Faith Formation Classes Gr P-Confirmation 6:15-7:15pm CVE
February 5 - Faith Formation Classes Gr P-Confirmation 6:15-7:15pm CVE
February 9 - Confirmation 10:30-1:30 PCC
February 12 - Family Faith Event 6-7:30pm PCC
February 19 - Faith Formation Classes Gr P-Confirmation 6:15-7:15pm CVE
Children's Programs
- Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) at 8:30 & 10:30 Sunday Masses September 8, 2024 - May 25, 2025
Liturgy of the Word is offered to children in grades Preschool - 1st grade and is held during the 8:30 and 10:30 am Masses on Sundays. During Liturgy of the Word for Children, young people meet in a designated area to hear the readings of the day at a level more suitable to their understanding, have small group discussion about the readings, and offer prayer intentions. There is no registration or fee to attend.
- St. Gen’s Tots (Preschool and Kindergarten)
Preschoolers and Kindergarteners will meet in the same classroom in 2024-2025. Early faith formation is an important way to begin your child's spiritual growth This program is for children age 4 through 5 that focuses on helping children learn and grow in their relationship with God through weekly class time. The children will learn from the Allelu curriculum in the Wednesday classes. This program offers a simple and easy to use at home and during the week to help engaging children in prayers, saint stories, and activities.
- 4-Faith (Grades 1-5)
We will use the curriculum offered by St. Mary’s Press known as Discover. Each student will use the Catholic Children's Bible. Sessions will be held at Centerville Elementary from 6:15-7:15 pm on Wednesdays.
-First Reconciliation & Eucharist
The First Sacraments program involves a 2-year process that prepares your child for the Sacraments. Your child must be in at least the 2nd grade to receive the First Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. To ensure that your child is ready to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist in the spring, your child must be enrolled in the Wednesday evening Faith Formation program from Sept. -May one year prior (usually first grade) to the year in which they receive the Sacraments (usually second grade).
If a child is 3rd grade or older wants to receive the First Sacraments, the child is expected to enroll in the Wednesday evening program from Sept – May in the first year. In the following year, the child will prepare for and receive the First Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.
This process includes a combination of Wednesday evening program, learning with their peers, and parent-led sessions in your home. We hope this is an opportunity for parents and children to journey and grow in faith together.
For questions about First Reconciliation and First Communion, please contact the Faith Formation office at 651-426-1818.
- St. Gens Adolescent Ministry (SGAM)
Sixth through eighth grade will use the Connect curriculum by St. Mary's Press. All sessions will be held in-person on Wednesdays at Centerville Elementary.
- Confirmation I & II
Confirmation program will focus on involvement in the parish community. Students will meet Wednesdays at Centerville Elementary and will help evangelize younger students in the Faith Formation program. The high school students meet with Confirmation catechists and guest speakers one Sunday a month to share and grow their faith. There is a required retreat in the fall.
Confirmation is a two year program. In order to receive the Sacrament in grade 10, a student must be registered in Faith Formation in grade 9.
VIRTUS Certification
All adults and teens (18 and older) who volunteer with Faith Formation need to be VIRTUS certified before classes begin. All adult volunteers need to complete an initial online Protecting God's Children VIRTUS Training, apply for a background check and sign a Code of Conduct. Please contact Safe Environment Coordinator Susie Irlbeck at or 651-429-7937 to get started (new volunteers) or to update your certification (returning volunteers) and with questions about VIRTUS certification. The virtus website is
Adult Programs
- Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
OCIA is a very special opportunity for adults who wish to explore membership in the Roman Catholic faith or for those Catholics who wish to receive sacraments which were not received at traditional ages. This journey also is an excellent opportunity to participate in a wonderful overview of the catholic faith and is open to all parishioners. We start this journey in late fall and continue through Easter when all will receive the sacraments at the Easter Vigil. So if you are in need of baptism, Eucharist or Confirmation preparation as an adult, we would love to see you! Contact ThuyAnh at or 651-426-1818 for details.
OCIA will be meeting once a month on Tuesdays, 4:30-6:30pm, at the Faith Formation Center (1664 Heritage Rd, Centerville)
October 22
November 12
December 10
January 14
February 11
March 25
- Adult Faith Formation
Small Group Registration for Fall 2024 is open.
Join a small group studying Season 4 of The Chosen on
Wednesday morning, Wednesday evening,
Thursday evening (Zoom) or Sunday morning after the 8:30 Mass.
Click here for more.