Faith Formation Resources


2425 First Eucharist Home Guide

2425 Confirmation forms

2425 Reconciliation Home

Worksheet mistake accident

How to make your first confession

Faith Formation Calendar 2024-25 revised 9.24.24


Meal Prayers to Sing

The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.  Lead us in times of temptation and deliver us from evil.  Amen.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

7 Fresh Ideas for Mealtime Prayer

Saint of the Day Calendar

Young Saints

All Saints Day Resources
Find activities, prayers, biographies, and more, including the poplula Which American Saint Are You? online quiz.

Pop-Up Catechesis:  Honoring the Saints
Understand what it means to honor the saints with the help of Joe Paprocki's video.

Saints ABC Game
Play a fun and challenging online game identifying the saints.

Friends, Not Statues:  Three Ways to Teach About the Saints
Share the stories of the saints with advice from Bob Burnham

Find the readings proclaimed at Mass

How to Prayer with a Finger Rosary

OCIA Information

Back-to-school anxiety?  Here's how parents can help by Dr. Greg Popcak

Personal Safety Lessons

Palm Sunday and Easter Guide

Guide for Home

Celebrate FT and AW

Electronic Communication Permission Form

Prayers for the Start of a New School Year

5 Day Prayer Challenge

St. Joseph Calasanz, patron of schoolchildren and a saint who helped plague victims.

Tips for parents: 

12 Ways to make distance learning effective for your child (and yourself) 

12 of the funniest homeschooling memes 

how to stay sane as a parent when your kids are learning remotely.