FF Teams

The Faith Formation Program relies on teams for support.

Fatih Formation Advisory Committee:
The Church of St. Genevieve's Faith Formation Advisory Committee (FFAC) offers advice to the staff memebers on the design, implementation and evaluation of the total Chirstian educational/formational programs in the parish, which includes sacramental preparation, adult and family ministry, youth ministry, school ministry and child ministry.  The FFAC responsibilities include:

1.  Consult on the design and development of programs for evangelization and faith formation with education and formation administrators.
2.  Monitor and evaluate the programs and activites of the programs to affirm their effectiveness and to identfy any necessary changes.
3.  Assist with the recruitment and support of volunteers and leadership in the formation ministries and recognition of volunteers.
4.  Aid in the promotion, communication and recruitment efforts for any programs in this area of mission.

The FFAC meets the first Tuesday of every month.

Catechists are special volunteers who work directly with the youth of our parish.  Following a curriculum, they share their faith with Faith Formation students and build relationships that carry over to Sunday Mass.  Assistant Catechists and Hall Monitors are also needed on Faith Formation nights, whcih are traditionally Wednesday evenings.

Special Events Team:
The Church of St. Genevieve's Special Events Team plans and executes four Family Special Events throughout the Faith Formation Program Year under the direction of the Faith Formation Director.

Vacation Bible School (VBS) Team
The Church of St. Genevieve's VBS Team provides support to the Faith Formatin Director in the planning and executing of Vacation Bible School.  

Order of Chrisian Initiatin of Adults (OCIA): 
The Church of St. Genevieve's OCIA Team helps prepare adults for the Sacraments of Initiation under the guidance of the Faith Formation Director and the Pastor.

Baptism Team: 
The Church of St. Genevieves' Baptism Team helps prepare parents ofr their child's baptism under the guidance of the Faith Formaiton Director.  The Team offers continued support ot the parents after the baptism.

If you would like more information about any of the Faith Formation Teams, please fill out the survey below:


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