Parish Stewardship Team

Loving God,
We come to you in thanksgiving,
knowing all that we have is a gift from you.
Open our eyes that we may see the lavishness of your love.
Open our ears that we may hear where we can help.
Open our hearts that we may be bonded together as a community of faith,
a caring people who bear witness to your love in our lives.

We encourage your participation in the shared ministry of our parish.  Living our faith is a great challenge in today's world.  As Christian stewards of God's many gifts to us, we are called to share those gifts with others.  Through your generosity, you can respond to that call.  The value of your parish service and financial support cannot be measured in just hours or in dollars and cents.  Your investment in our faith community will pay lasting dividends in the hearts of those our parish serves.

All that we have is a gift from God.  We are called as disciples of Christ to serve others.  We encourage you to grow in your response to God's generosity as we walk together on our faith journey.

The Heart for Service Committment Form can be filled out and returned to the parish office or placed in the collection basket.  You may also fill it out online at the Serve page.

Respond to God's many blessings and share your gifts with others!

Heart for Service Committment Form

Financial Commitment Form

Ways to Donate

Join the Stewardship Team! 
Meet with Fr. Greg to discuss the commitment forms, plan and execute the Stewardship drive and compile results.  Fill out the form below if interested.  Someone will contact you to provide more information.







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