Fr. Greg's Notes
Dear Friends,
Paul is one of my heroes of the Church. He never knew the historical Jesus or was present at the Last Supper; yet, he gave us the first written teaching about the importance of the Eucharist. He opposed and persecuted the early Church. He contributed to the killing of one of the first disciples of Jesus – Stephan; yet, Paul became the most important evangelizer in the world. He spent his life and ending up giving up his life sharing the good news of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Paul wrote more of the New Testament than any other author.
Peter is another hero. Peter is presented as not that great of a fisherman in this weekend’s gospel reading and he was humble enough to listen to the direction of someone else. Peter followed a carpenter’s advice and caught a miraculous amount of fish!
These two heroes experienced Jesus, they experienced the Risen Lord and they were willing to share that with other people.
Please continue the great tradition of our parish of being a friendly, hopeful and loving faithful community and share our faith with others by inviting them to Mass, contributing to the Catholic Services Appeal, and volunteering for the funeral ministry or other ministries.
Fr. Greg
Mass Schedule
Wednesday, 8:00 am Mass - St. Genevieve Church - Centerville
Saturday - 4:30 pm - Parish Community Center (live streamed*)
Sunday - 8:30 am - St. John's Site
- 10:30 am - Parish Community Center - Centerville
*By attending a live streamed Mass you agree to be filmed.
We are unable to give Holy Communion on the tongue at this time.
St. Andrew's Family Shelter
Our next hosting week is February 9-15.
Personal Product Drive
February 8 - 16
7 Themes of Catholic Social Teachings
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Contact Us
Parish Office
7087 Goiffon Rd Centerville 55038
Office Hours: 8:00-3:00 Monday
8:00-4:00 Tuesday-Thursday
8:00-11:00 Friday
prayer chain:
Reconciliation -3:30 pm Saturdays St. Genevieve Church
or by appointment 651.429.7937
Faith Formation Center (FFC)
651.426.1818 1664 Heritage St Centerville
Parish Community Center (PCC) & Hospitality Hall (HH)
6995 Centerville Rd Centerville
St. Genevieve Church (StG)
1683 Sorel St Centerville
St. John's Site (StJ) & Fortin Hall (FH)
14363 Forest Blvd N Hugo