Fr. Greg's Notes
Dear Friends,
Jesus is remembered as someone who had great regard for the poor, the outcast and those who had little status. Jesus has special care for children. People who at that time had no status. We need to continue to learn from Jesus’ regard for little ones. As Jesus reveals to us in the Lord’s Prayer, we can call God, “Father.” We are all children.
I have a little poem for guidance:
My dreams for life were laid, my journey mapped and made, the Lord was at my side to be my friend and my guide. So I started out.
But then the sky turned dark, the road grew steep and stark.
I scarce could travel on. I turned and cried, “My Lord! Where’s the road? Where’s the light? Why this pain? Why this night?”
The Lord turned and said, “My beloved child, where’s the faith? Where’s your trust? Why this fear? Why this fright? I choose this way for you. Just take my hand. Let me guide you. Have you ever had a time where you needed to hear from God? Take my hand. Let me be your Dad.”
Fr. Greg
Mass Schedule
Wednesday, 8:00 am Mass - St. Genevieve Church - Centerville
Saturday - 4:30 pm - Parish Community Center (live streamed*)
Sunday - 8:30 am - St. John's Site
- 10:30 am - Parish Community Center - Centerville
A Funeral Mass for Henry (Hank) Miers will be held Friday, October 11 at 11 am at the Parish Community Center.
October 12-13 Masses will include an opportunity for those wanting to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick to receive it.
*By attending a live streamed Mass you agree to be filmed.
We are unable to give Holy Communion on the tongue at this time.
Church Code: mn505
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Contact Us
Parish Office
7087 Goiffon Rd Centerville 55038
Office Hours: 8:00-3:00 Monday
8:00-4:00 Tuesday-Thursday
8:00-11:00 Friday
prayer chain:
Reconciliation -3:30 pm Saturdays St. Genevieve Church
or by appointment 651.429.7937
Faith Formation Center (FFC)
651.426.1818 1664 Heritage St Centerville
Parish Community Center (PCC) & Hospitality Hall (HH)
6995 Centerville Rd Centerville
St. Genevieve Church (StG)
1683 Sorel St Centerville
St. John's Site (StJ) & Fortin Hall (FH)
14363 Forest Blvd N Hugo