Funeral Luncheon Ministry

Funeral Luncheon Hospitality Ministry-URGENT NEED FOR CO-LEADS

x0vw50ampdus9tz3ubex3hkq5jl.jpgIf Christ should suddenly stand before me with a towel thrown over his shoulder
and a pan of water in his hands, would I have the humility to take off my
shoes and  really let him wash my feet?
Or, like Peter, would I say: “Wash my feet, Lord? Never!”

Christ has stood in front of me on many a day. It hasn’t always been a pan of water
that he’s held in front of me, for water is only one symbol of a way to be cleansed
and healed.
Sometimes he holds a Bible, or sends a letter, or calls me on the telephone.
Sometimes she holds a loaf of bread, or a cup of tea, or gives me a shoulder to cry on.
Christ comes in so many ways, in so many people, always holding out that basin
of water and asking that same embarrassing question:
“Would you mind if I wash your feet?”

The beautiful thing about that burning, persistent, foot washing question is that
eventually it calls forth the same question from your heart.
Then you discover that your basin is full of water and
your heart is full of a call: a call to wash feet.

–From Seasons of Your Heart by Macrina Wiederkehr

Over a typical year, St. Genevieve's  dedicated Funeral Luncheon volunteers generate the gift of preparing and serving meals to famiy and friends of those grieving the loss of a loved one. Many “feet are washed” in this ministry.

Some volunteers come to St. Genevieve's to set-up, serve, or clean up; others provide desserts upon request, and some offer to call other Funeral Luncheon volunteers to action when notified of an upcoming funeral.

Are you wondering how you can be a part of St. Genevieve's  Funeral Hospitality? Fill out the form below or call Mary Lou Wilharber at 651.429.2140 to let her know how you would like to be involved.


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